
Jagannatha hora 8.0
Jagannatha hora 8.0

jagannatha hora 8.0

“Sólo el Amor nos dará la Libertad” OMTATSAT- 320 de Dwaparayuga. We have been 13,394 years since the beginning of the Daiva yuga, beginning of this Vedic era from which 1,394 years have elapsed, when the vernal equinox began to move away from the first house of Aries”. “AD 1894, Sri Yukteswar discovers that we are in the age of Dvāparayuga. Paramahansa Yogananda Victor Hugo: "There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." Ayanamsa: There is another ayanamsa named Yuktesvar ayanamsa, but it was not used to predict the positions planetary charts, nor to make astrological charts of his students but to justify the calculations of the changes of the yugas in the great cosmic cycle of 24000 terrestrial or human years. " - Sri Yukteswar Words full of sincerity, conviction, faith and intuition, act as Highly explosive vibratory bombs, the explosion of which disintegrates rocks of difficulties, operating the desired transformation. The cosmos would be quite chaotic if its laws were not they could function without the approval of human belief. The law of gravitation worked so efficiently before Newton as after him. “It is never a question of belief The only scientific attitude that one can adopt on any subject, is to investigate what truth is in it, if It is true. “Research work dedicated to my Gurudeva Paramahansa Yoganandaji, to the unique and received teachings of SRF, and to my Param gurují Swami Sriyukteswarji. SRI YUKTESWAR VEDIC ASTROLOGY July 10, 320 Dwapara Yuga- JAD THE KRIYA YOGA AND THE MOVEMENTS OF ENERGY OR PRANA IN DAILY MOVEMENT OF THE BREATH THROUGH THE CHAKRAS OF THE SPINAL CORD, THE TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS OF THE ZODIAC AND THE YUGAS IN THE EQUINOX CYCLE.

Jagannatha hora 8.0